Individual Therapy

789507466Friends and family aren’t always enough.

“I’ve been dealing with a lot of stress and need someone to talk to and figure some stuff out.”

That’s understandable. You need to be able to vent to someone not involved in your life. That’s more meaningful than you could ever imagine.

Being able to speak without hesitation is paramount to seeing the whole picture. Sometimes, it’s not until we hear ourselves say something out loud that we really understand what’s going on.

This isn’t easy to do with friends and family. They’re biased. They may judge or hold a grudge. It is best to filter things through someone without skin in the game.

Together, we’ll focus on self-awareness, personal responsibility, and what’s alive and important for you here and now.

It’s often the past that’s holding us back.

“I need help getting over trust and abandonment issues from my childhood. They are causing relationship difficulties.”

This is hard work, which is why it’s so important to establish a strong therapeutic relationship based on trust and open communication.

My job is to create a safe and supportive environment where you can explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. I’ll make it comfortable for you to be yourself with me.

You’ll find that talking to me is like talking to a wise friend with an open mind and heart.

When we’re overwhelmed, it’s easy to do this…

“I’ve been slipping into a negative state of mind and fearful about my future.”

The remedy is to bring your attention to the present by paying attention to your bodily sensations, emotions, and thought patterns. I can help you do that.

I use various techniques to promote self-awareness and personal growth. I may also focus on your non-verbal cues, such as body language and facial expressions, to better understand your experience (because sometimes your mind says one thing and your body says another).

Let’s gain insight into your experiences so you can have a deeper understanding of yourself.

1022465209Therapy can transform you at every level.

When you enter a therapeutic relationship, you show up as a different person.

Therapy can help you develop greater self-acceptance, improve your relationships, and gain a clearer sense of your needs and desires.

Therapy is a collaborative process, and the success of the therapy depends on your active participation and willingness to explore and confront difficult emotions and experiences.

This is a critical time in your life, so it’s important that you feel matched with the right person.

I’m here to help you take control back!

When you commit to personal growth and self-discovery, you’ve decided to master your destiny.

By focusing on the present moment and integrating mind, body, and emotions into your healing, you can understand who you truly are.

Whether you’ve been in therapy before or this is your first time thinking about it…

You’ve come to the right place!

Call me today for a free consultation. Let’s discuss how I can help: (412) 258-0766.